Novice Autocross School
May 16, 20158:30 am - 3:30 pm
If you’re new to the sport of Autocross or even if you’ve been doing it for a little while, we have something you will be very interested in. We are hosting a novice autocross school on May 16, 2015 at the Houston Police Academy. Our objective with this school is to provide our students a personalized Autocross event. We will use the normal event approach to teach our students. Starting with registration through to course walk-through and grid management. In car lessons occur the entire time (as opposed to one or two runs during a normal event). We will do our best to assign matching instructors to students, based on experience and skills level. The last time we hosted a novice like event, our students were ready to go all out waaaayyyy before we thought they would, so this time, we’ve planned for it!
The layout of the day is to run three 40 minute sessions in the first half of the day dedicated to the students, followed by three 40 minute sessions dedicated to the instructors (we have to provide some kind of incentive to get you highly skilled instructors). Signup will occur in DLB as always and you have to be a current BMW CCA member.
Student Rate: $65 (covers coffee and pizza)